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Contact me to add ANY of my Cachets to your Collection.
The EmPrint Covers can be printed upon request... if FDC Blanks are available. Hand Painted and EmSketch Designs can be converted to EmPrint (printed) Cachets.
There are MANY designs to see... Click on the Navigation Bar below to select the different Years of Stamp Issue to find the hundreds of designs posted here...
EmPrint Cachets for 1999 Stamp Issues...

One of the "hazzards" of my making multiple passes through the printer for added depth of color... not being careful and the fact that the images kind of look like the stamps led to my placing the cover into the feeder of my printer with the wrong lead edge... resulting in this "Train Wreck"! A collector did however think it had enough "value" to add it to his collection.

Here is the reverse side of the "Train Wreck" Cover... I didn't make the same mistake twice, I just thought it appropriate to make the reverse side of the cover match the front! Just havin' fun! Truly a "One of a Kind"... I hope!

Wrong Stamp...
Wrong Duck...
But, Still Sitting Pretty!

I found these two Blank 1999 Duck Stamp Canceled Covers in my inventory one day and decided to make use of them. They appear to be what you could call a "Poor-Man's" 1999 Duck Stamp Cancel
The actual Duck Stamp for that year features the "Greater Scaup" ducks.
However, my artwork used for these covers are the colorful Wood Ducks.
So, just as the collector who had this cancel placed on this stamp...
I too went with "what I had"!
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